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Showing posts from May, 2014

Cardinal Ennui

I have nothing to really add here except to note how easy-goingly mediocre the Cardinals have decided to be this year. To say the Cards lack a sense of urgency would be putting it mildly. I do realize its still early but it is a fine line between calm, cool and collected and downright apathetic. I'm just not certain this team is on the correct side of that line.


It looked dicey for about 15 minutes, but Notts County was able to secure a 1-1 draw against Oldham.  It turned out Tranmere wound up losing 2-1, so it didn't matter too much. Though there was a moment in the second half when Tranmere was up, Crewe was up, and Notts was down. At that point I needed a sedative. All's well that end's well. So they say.

Relegation Day

So, it has all come down to this in League One. Notts County need one point, one measly little point, to assure survival. (OK, OK, technically  they could be caught. But Tranmere would have to win thier game by 14 goals. I'll take my chances.) The games that matter: Oldham v. Notts County Crewe v. Preston Tranmere v. Bradford Crewe and Tranmere are both at home, and Notts is one the road. That's bad. Notts has the far superior goal differential. That's good. In the early minutes Crewe and Tranmere have gotten early leads. That's bad. In the early minutes Notts and Oldham are still tied. That's good. It's gonna be a long 90 minutes or so.