Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm Officially Old Now

NOTE: I wrote this for elsewhere, but I thought its theme would translate here pretty easily. Enjoy, if you dare.

When I was a younger man and I would feel the pull of certain adult fashion symbols, I would push them out of my mind with the phrase, "I don't want to be some hipster doofus. I'll do that sort of thing when I'm know, like 40."

Well, I turned 40 this year, and the first of these fashion impulses has successfully avoided all the warnings of my younger days and has landed squarely upon my head. Yes, I bought my first fedora.

Meet the Jaxon Iconoclast (Wool):

As far as hat purchases go, this one was not a matter of high finance. It set me back a grand total of $45 including shipping.

I must say....I like it....a lot. It is damn cold around here, and I'm not blessed with a full head of hair, so a hat is a necessity. Up until now I've only ever worn ballcaps or ski caps. I just didn't want to become "the old guy who wears nothing but ballcaps."

Still, this could be the start of something weird. I've already caught myself looking online at panamas, because, hey!, the Iconoclast is my fall/winter hat. I'll need something else to protect my poor bald head from the big bad sun too. That only makes sense, right?

Down this path lies madness...and quite possibly my taking up pipe smoking as well.

Hmmmm....pipe smoking....sounds good.

ADDING for GASL readers only:

OK...I've had the hat for about a week now and I must say, I'm in love. I don't know why I didn't do this years ago. For starters, it is a hell of a lot warmer than my Cards or Blues cap (and just as stylish.) Secondly, I get compliments left and right. Just the other day a rather stylishly dressed (male) student walked by and offered, "Whoa man, nice lid."

Nice lid, indeed.

1 comment:

Southlandish said...

I highly recommend the pipe smoking. A simple Black Cavendish/cherry mix has been my staple since I was 18. I managed to keep my pipe smoking almost entirely a secret precisely because no guy in college ever got laid by puffing on a pipe a the bars in a pitiful attempt to look intellectual and I had enough other things for my buddies to bust my balls over. I had inherited my father's pipe collection when he quit and took it to college with me and smoke like a fiend on vacation, though only occasionally around home these days.