As a layman, I am getting tired of all the medical jargon routinely tossed around by sports trainers and doctors who just assume I know what they are talking about. From today's P-D:
Head trainer Barry Weinberg confirmed a pending examination and classified Mulder's "soreness" in the front of his shoulder as "not a good sign."
Adding to the gravity of the matter, Dr. George Paletta confirmed that an "owie" like is this aways a cause for concern. "If his 'boo-boo' is serious it's best to deal with it now."
Thank you Cardinals for an implosion that has reduced me to snarking about Barry Weinberg's diagnoses. We're staring at a post-season that could include the Cubs, both the Yankees and Mets, the Red Sox, and even possibly both LA teams. Or, god help us, the Phillies could see October. This is the post-season equivalent of a cheese grater to the balls.
I, for one, am not a well man right now and will require at least as much off-season recuperation as Mulder to be ready for next season.