Thursday, April 10, 2008

For The Love Of All That's Holy

It is snowing here again. Actually, there is a fucking blizzard going on outside (or close to it.) The forecast is for 6 to 10 inches of snow.

I will also forecast 4 or 5 Jack Rose's which I will consume tonight. If you are not familiar with the Jack Rose, do yourself a favor and get acquainted.

2 ounces Applejack
1 ounce lime juice
1/4 to 1/2 ounce grenadine (to taste)

Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass and drink. Repeat.

You will see lemon juice instead of lime in some versions, but there is no question that the lime is better.

Shit. It is snowing harder now than when I started writing this.

Where's my shaker?


Southlandish said...

Poor baby. We have a cardio tennis session on Thursdays after work. On our bike ride to the courts tonight at 5:30 it was still in the mid-80s. Much to hot for an enjoyable workout. I was lucky to avoid sunburn and it took three glasses of water to rehydrate. Meanwhile you are living it up in a nice cool climate swilling cocktails, no doubt having retired to your wood-paneled study with instructions to the servants you are not to be disturbed, lounging comfortably atop an overstuffed chair in a silk smoking jacket by a roaring fire reading tales of ribaldry like some 19th century dandy in a Merchant Ivory film. The very portrait of the Leisure Class. We're on to you IM.

Southlandish said...

I forgot to mention the loyal Mastiff lying at your feet.

Rich Horton said...

You have caught on to my hill station style life??
