Occasionally, the stars do align or worlds collide or perfect storms occur...or something... and serendipity hands you a perfect evening. With absolutely no forethought, this evening started with a great workout at the gym, an hour of fun on the tennis courts with friends who have moved back into town and then seared, mustard-marinated lamb chops on the grill washed down with a .750L of Chimay Cinq Cents. Hell, that was perfect without even trying.
But is gets better. At the last minute I recorded the KC/Columbus MLS match and am now watching the second half of a cracking match while tracking the Cards game online. In ten minutes I will switch over to VS. and watch the end of Stage 12 of the Tour de France and an hour later catch the recap of the first round of The Open.
Then The Goat just sent a great e-mail:
It really does baffle me how an All-Star who is leading the team in RBI can be on the bench the first day back after the break and fucking Chris Duncan is in the line-up. Surely Jeff Gillooly could use some work these days.
Oh, did I mention I have another bottle of Chimay Rouge chilled in reserve? And Joe Mather homered just as I was getting ready to hit PUBLISH POST. I am one sexual favor away from Nirvana at the moment.