Tuesday, June 19, 2007

MLS 1, Wensleydale Cheese 0

Whadya bitchin about? My other image options were Ricky Gervais or Theakston Old Peculier. Well, there are Helen Mirren’s boobs, but this is a family blog, meaning the writers have wives.* Oh, just read the damned link below.

In another commentary guaranteed to warm the IM’s heart, Steven Wells skewers his fellow Brits and provokes a boatload of comments.

*For those of you who think Helen Mirren is an old lady playing old English queens (no, not Elton John and Freddy Mercury. I’m talking about the ones who wear tiaras and lavish finery. Oh, never mind.) Dame Helen is still a hottie with a great rack. I’ll leave the rest to you, Google and the NSA’s surveillance program…

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